Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to Save Energy and Money by Winterizing Windows - Part 1

Winterizing your home windows can help save up to 10% on energy bills right away. Most heat escapes from a home through gaps around the windows, not through the glass itself. Failed caulk, gaps between the trim and the window, and bad window seals are the most likely culprits. The solutions depend upon the climate where you live.

To find out if your window seals have drafts, hold up a candle or incense stick near the window on a windy day. The more the smoke moves, the worse the draft. Don’t just go by the temperature of the glass and whether or not there is condensation. Find where the draft is coming from.

Temporary window draft solutions are best for warmer, temperate climates that have occasional cold snaps. These solutions are generally cheaper, too.

  • Thicker Curtains – Replace light curtains with thicker curtains in the fall and winter months. Curtains restrict air movement, but they do not block it completely. They can refresh the whole look of the room, though.
  • Shutters or Shades – These can change the look of a room as well, and they restrict the air flow better than curtains.
  • Caulking – Most warm air escapes around window and door glass trim. Replace caulk annually and paint over it to complete the seal and protect the caulk.
  • Rope Caulk – Rope caulk is easier to use than glazing caulk, and it can be easily removed and reused. It does not completely seal the window, but it restricts more air flow.
  • Weather Stripping – Older windows that are not opened can be fitted with weather stripping to prevent leaks. To find out how much you need, measure the perimeter of the window and add at least 10% to account for overlap and waste.
  • Frame Inserts – These custom-built sheets of clear plastic can be attached to window trim with clips. They cover the entire window. Just make sure the window trim is caulked too.


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